Our Most Popular Service: Dog Hiking Adventures
Hiking with your furry best friend is not just a fun activity; it’s a fantastic way to improve their physical and mental health. Dogs are naturally active creatures, and regular hikes offer them the stimulation and exercise they need to thrive. Today, we’re breaking down the top 3 benefits of dog hikes and why dog hiking adventures are a great alternative to dog daycare.
Top 3 Benefits of Dog Hikes
1. Physical Health
As is the case with all types of physical activity, dogs benefit immensely from walking and hiking. The following are just a few of the ways in which dogs’ physical health is improved during a dog hike:
- Cardiovascular Health: Hiking is a great way to get your dog’s heart rate up and improve their cardiovascular health.
- Muscle Strength and Tone: Hiking on uneven terrain can help build muscle strength and tone in your dog’s legs and core.
- Joint Health: Moderate exercise can help maintain healthy joints and reduce the risk of arthritis in older dogs.
- Weight Management: Regular exercise can help prevent obesity and related health problems. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 59% of dogs are estimated to be overweight or have obesity.
2. Mental Health
Most of our pets live a sedentary lifestyle, even if we take them places with us on weekends and vacations. A sedendary lifestyle not only affects dogs’ physical health, but also leads to lethargy, anxiety, and inappropriate and self-harming behaviors like chewing and licking. Dog hikes can help ward off these unwanted consequences of a sedentary lifestyle in the following ways:
- Stress Relief: Spending time outdoors in nature can help reduce stress and anxiety in dogs. The sights, sounds, and smells of the natural world can provide a calming and stimulating environment.
- Mental Stimulation: Hiking can provide mental stimulation for dogs, especially if they are allowed to explore new trails and environments. This can help prevent boredom and behavioral problems.
- Bonding: Hiking together can strengthen the bond between you and your dog. Spending quality time outdoors can create lasting memories and foster a deeper connection.
3. Socialization
Especially when in the care of a professional that specializes in dog hiking adventures – think Shoreline Happy Paws! – dogs can enjoy safe and positive interactions with others during dog hikes, which lead to the following benefits:
- Meeting Other Dogs: If you hike in popular dog-friendly areas, your dog will have the opportunity to meet and interact with other dogs. This can help them develop social skills and become more confident.
- Interacting with People: Hiking with your dog can also help them become more comfortable around people. This can be especially beneficial for dogs that may be shy or anxious who are kept on leash and allowed to observe positive interactions from a safe (to them) distance.
Planning The Best Dog Hikes
When planning dog hikes, it’s important to choose trails that are appropriate for your dog’s age, breed, and fitness level. Always bring plenty of water and snacks, and make sure your dog is wearing a proper harness or collar. With a little planning and preparation, you can enjoy the many benefits of hiking with your furry friend.
If time is short or you’re not as outdoorsy as your dog(s,) count on Shoreline Happy Paws to bring our most popular service to you. We pick your dog(s) up and drop them off. Your dog(s) will join us for nice adventures on the trails or beach where they can explore the smells and sounds of nature, get plenty of exercise and potty opportunities, and lots of playtime with hiking friends. Our dog hiking adventures are an awesome way to enrich your dog’s life by letting them be A DOG!!!
At Shoreline Happy Paws, offer group and private hikes. All dogs are leashed. Off-leash option available at request of client and after successful off-leash training. Finally, twice per week attendance is required to be paired to a hiking group.
We are accepting new dog walking and dog hiking clients! New Shoreline Happy Paws clients can create an account. We will be in touch to further discuss your needs and set you, your family, and your pet(s) up for success. Existing clients may book dog walking and pet sitting services by logging in to your client profile.
Shoreline Happy Paws serves the following areas of the Connecticut Shoreline:
- Old Saybrook
- Essex, Ivoryton & Centerbrook
- Deep River
- Chester
- Westbrook
- Clinton
- Old Lyme
- East Lyme
- Niantic
Certain Parts and Certain Service Hours in:
- Lyme and Madison
- Waterford, New London, Groton
- Uncasville, Gales Ferry, Mystic, Noank